In case you missed our editorial in the February 13 edition of the Triangle Business Journal, I’ve published a copy below. According to an estimate by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, there were over 2.4 million excess retirements due to Covid-19 as of August 2021. By “excess,” they mean individuals who walked away […]...
2021: A Listening Year, A Learning Year
The decision to retire is the first of many possible choices to be made. It is also the beginning of a multi-step process....
Uncharted Waters = Unprecedented Opportunity
In conversations I’ve had with recruiters, senior HR executives, new retirees and employees considering retirement, you hear a good number of theories but very few certainties and a wide range in confidence....
The Wisdom of the Intergenerational Workforce
I had a Zoom meeting with someone I only knew from their LinkedIn page. One of our agenda items was ageism and the difficulties individuals with deep experience (read: older) face in the job market. Once connected, it was clear their profile photo was, shall we say, dated. I’m guessing at least 10 years. Being […]...
A most unique job market
Significant attention has been paid to one aspect of the post-pandemic job market: the overabundance of unfilled positions. But there are other unique trends occurring that threaten to disrupt workplace demographics and financial recovery. First off, people are quitting their jobs. In April 2021, quitters set a record at 4 million. One reason cited for […]...
Children’s nature book series becomes a fresh start
You can maintain - and even grow - your network during the transition to retirement. It pays to stay in touch with former colleagues who have left the workplace and, like you, may be searching for a second-act career. ...
Nonprofit organizations as a stage for second-act careers
Late-career individuals are leaving the workforce in record numbers – but not all of them are ready to “retire” in the traditional way. Many say they plan to work for pay after retiring but aren't interested in another corporate job. Their priority is a second act that engages them with purpose....
The LifeWork Partner Program
In a recent flash survey of nonprofits in the Triangle area, 64% of respondents reported they plan to hire 1-3 employees in 2021, and 85% indicated an interest in hiring “second-career” individuals. LifeWork is ready to provide you with experienced late-career candidates to fill full-time, part-time, interim or project/contract roles. We are inviting local nonprofit […]...
Looking forward to 2021
In 2020, we launched our pilot program in the Triangle, and we are grateful to you for supporting our mission. We have much to anticipate in 2021, and we look forward to meeting you (in person!) soon....
A benefit that pays dividends
If you're a Triangle-based company, this is your opportunity to be among the first to offer outplacement services that have a positive impact on your employees and the community. Offer LifeWork at work!...